
glhmm.palm_functions.hcp2block(tmp, blocksfile=None, dz2sib=False, ids=None)[source]

Convert HCP-style twin data into block structure.


file (str):

Path to the input CSV file containing twin data.

blocksfile (str, optional), default=None:

Path to save the resulting blocks as a CSV file.

dz2sib (bool, optional), default=False:

If True, handle non-monozygotic twins as siblings.

ids (list or array-like, optional), default=None:

List of subject IDs to include.


A tuple containing three elements:

A modified table of twin data.


Block structure representing relationships between subjects.


An array indicating the type of each family.


Check if an array contains a singlevalue.


variable (numpy.ndarray or list):

The array to be checked.



True if the array contains a single value, False otherwise.

glhmm.palm_functions.lmaxflipnode(Ptree, ns)[source]

Calculate the logarithm of the maximum number of sign-flips within a palm tree node.


Ptree (list or numpy.ndarray):

The palm tree structure.

ns (int):

The current logarithm of sign-flips (initialized to 0).


ns (int):

The logarithm of the maximum number of sign-flips within the node.

glhmm.palm_functions.lmaxpermnode(Ptree, n_p)[source]

Calculate the logarithm of the maximum number of permutations within a palm tree node.


Ptree (list or numpy.ndarray):

The palm tree structure.

n_p (int):

The current logarithm of permutations (initialized to 0).


n_p (int):

The logarithm of the maximum number of permutations within the node.


Calculate the logarithm of the number of permutations for a given sequence.


S (numpy.ndarray):

The input sequence.


n_p (int):

The logarithm of the number of permutations for the sequence.

glhmm.palm_functions.maketree(B, M, O, wholeblock, nosf)[source]

Recursively construct a palm tree structure from input matrices that is representing nodes in the palm tree.


B (numpy.ndarray):

The input matrix where each row represents a node in the palm tree (Block definitions).

M (numpy.ndarray):

The corresponding Design-matrix, which associates nodes in B with additional data.

O (numpy.ndarray):

Observation indices.

wholeblock (bool):

A boolean indicating if the entire block is positive based on the first element of B.

nosf (bool):

A boolean indicating if there are no signflips this level.


S (numpy.ndarray):

The palm tree structure for this branch.

Ptree (list):

The palm tree structure.

glhmm.palm_functions.maxflipnode(Ptree, ns)[source]

Calculate the maximum number of sign-flips within a palm tree node.


Ptree (list or numpy.ndarray):

The palm tree structure.

ns (int):

The current number of sign-flips (initialized to 1).


ns (int):

The maximum number of sign-flips within the node.

glhmm.palm_functions.maxpermnode(Ptree, np)[source]

Calculate the maximum number of permutations within a palm tree node.


Ptree (list or numpy.ndarray):

The palm tree structure.

np (int):

The current number of permutations.


n_p (int):

The maximum number of permutations within the node.


Calculate logarithmically scaled factorials up to a given number.


N (int, optional), default=101:

The maximum number for which to precompute factorials.


lf (numpy.ndarray):

An array of precomputed logarithmically scaled factorials.

glhmm.palm_functions.palm_maxshuf(Ptree, stype='perms', uselog=False)[source]

Calculate the maximum number of shufflings (permutations or sign-flips) for a given palm tree structure.


Ptree (list or numpy.ndarray):

The palm tree structure.

stype (str, optional), default=’perms:

The type of shuffling to calculate (‘perms’ for permutations by default).

uselog (bool, optional), default=False:

A flag indicating whether to calculate using logarithmic values.


maxb (int):

The maximum number of shufflings (permutations or sign-flips) based on the specified criteria.

glhmm.palm_functions.palm_permtree(Ptree, nP, CMC=False, maxP=None)[source]

Generate permutations of a given palm tree structure represented by Ptree. Permutations are created by shuffling the branches of the palm tree.


Ptree (list or numpy.ndarray):

The palm tree structure to be permuted.

nP (int):

The number of permutations to generate.

CMC (bool, optional), default=False:

Whether to use Conditional Monte Carlo (CMC) method for permutation. Defaults to False.

maxP (int, optional), default=None:

The maximum number of permutations allowed. If not provided, it is calculated automatically.


P (numpy.ndarray)

An array representing the permutations. Each row corresponds to a permutation, with the first column always representing the identity permutation.


  • If ‘CMC’ is False and ‘nP’ is greater than ‘maxP’ / 2, a warning message is displayed, as it may take a

considerable amount of time to find non-repeated permutations. - The function utilizes the ‘pickperm’ and ‘randomperm’ helper functions for the permutation process.

glhmm.palm_functions.palm_quickperms(EB, M=None, nP=1000, CMC=False, EE=True)[source]

Generate a set of permutations for a given input matrix using PALM methods.


EB (numpy.ndarray)

Block structure representing relationships between subjects.

M (numpy.ndarray, optional), default=None:

The matrix of attributes, which is not typically required.

nP (int), default=1000:

The number of permutations to generate.

CMC (bool, optional), default=False:

A flag indicating whether to use the Conditional Monte Carlo method (CMC).

EE (bool, optional), default=True:

A flag indicating whether to assume exchangeable errors, which allows permutation.


Pset (list):

A list containing the generated permutations.

glhmm.palm_functions.palm_reindex(B, meth='fixleaves')[source]

Reindex a 2D numpy array preserving block structure based on different reindexing methods.


B (numpy.ndarray):

The 2D input array to be reindexed.

meth (str, optional), default=’fixleaves’:
  • ‘fixleaves’: Reindexes the input array by preserving the order of unique values in the first column

    and recursively reindexes the remaining columns. Suitable for hierarchical data.

  • ‘continuous’: Reindexes the input array by assigning new values to elements in a continuous,

    non-overlapping manner within each column. Useful for continuous data.

  • ‘restart’: Reindexes the input array by restarting the numbering from 1 for each block of

    unique values in the first column. Suitable for data with distinct segments or blocks.

  • ‘mixed’: Combines both ‘fixleaves’ and ‘continuous’ reindexing methods. Reindexes the first columns

    using ‘fixleaves’ and the remaining columns using ‘continuous’, creating a mixed scheme.


Br (numpy.ndarray):

The reindexed array, preserving the block structure based on the chosen method.

glhmm.palm_functions.palm_shuftree(Ptree, nP, CMC=False, EE=True)[source]

Generate a set of shufflings (permutations or sign-flips) for a given palm tree structure.


Ptree (list):

The palm tree structure.

nP (int):

The number of permutations to generate.

CMC (bool, optional), default=False:

A flag indicating whether to use the Conditional Monte Carlo method (CMC).

EE (bool, optional), default=True:

A flag indicating whether to assume exchangeable errors, which allows permutation.


Pset (list):

A list containing the generated shufflings (permutations).

glhmm.palm_functions.palm_tree(B, M=None)[source]

Construct a palm tree structure from an input matrix B and an optional design-matrix M.

The palm tree represents a hierarchical structure where each node can have three branches: - The left branch contains data elements. - The middle branch represents special features (if any). - The right branch contains nested structures.


B (numpy.ndarray):

The input matrix where each row represents the Multi-level block definitions of the PALM tree.

M (numpy.ndarray, optional):

An optional Design-matrix that associates each node in B with additional data. Defaults to None.



A list containing three elements: - Ptree[0] : numpy.ndarray or list

The left branch of the palm tree, containing data elements.

  • Ptree[1]numpy.ndarray, list, or empty list

    The middle branch of the palm tree, representing special features (if any).

  • Ptree[2]numpy.ndarray or list

    The right branch of the palm tree, containing nested structures.

glhmm.palm_functions.pickperm(Ptree, P)[source]

Extract a permutation from a palm tree structure. It does not perform the permutation but returns the indices representing the already permuted tree.


Ptree (list or numpy.ndarray):

The palm tree structure.

P (numpy.ndarray):

The current state of the permutation.


P (numpy.ndarray):

An array of indices representing the permutation of the palm tree structure.


Create a random permutation of a palm tree structure by shuffling its branches.


Ptree_perm (list or numpy.ndarray):

The palm tree structure to be permuted.


Ptree_perm (list):

The randomly permuted palm tree structure.


Renumber the elements in the input array B based on distinct values in its first column. Each distinct value represents a block, and the elements within each block are renumbered sequentially, while preserving the relative order of elements within each block.


B (numpy.ndarray):

The 2D input array to be renumbered.


Br (numpy.ndarray):

The renumbered array, where elements are renumbered within blocks.

addcol (bool):

A boolean indicating whether a column was added during renumbering.


Calculate the number of permutations for a given sequence.


S (numpy.ndarray):

The input sequence.


n_p (int):

The number of permutations for the sequence.